Good Governance

Accountability and Credibility have always been our bench mark which is achieved through the implementation of principles of good governance in the processes and practices. We have a mechanism to ensure impact of investment and complete transparency and accountability in utilization of funds. This mechanism reviews interventions and projects, internal operations, compliance of statutory norms and conducts an external evaluation for the impact and outcome of various development interventions. The entire management processes and practices are in compliance with the principles of good governance


We Confirm:

  1. The Annual accounts, are prepared on the basis of the accounting policies adopted by the organization in compliance to the existing accounting standards in India wherever necessary, the audit of the accounts are carried out by a third party qualified Chartered Accountant in a rigid process.
  2. Sufficient care has been taken for the maintenance of accounts as per the applicable legal statues of India.
  3. During day to day operations of the organization, ethical accountability, value of money have been given highest priority. NO part of the income during the previous years have been applied and used directly or indirectly for the benefit of :
    a.  The founder or founders or trustees or their families/relatives.
    b. Any person who has made a substantial contribution to the organization.
    c. Any concerns in which the above mentioned category of persons have substantial interest (As     required U/s 13 (3) of Income Tax Act, 1961)
  4. None of the members/trustees/management has been paid any honorarium and none of them occupies a place of profit in the organization.
  5.  All our initiatives, programs & events are currently funded by retail donations from seasonal donors
  6. All accounts are audited annually and copies of the annual cum audit reports are available to General public & prospective donors on request.
  7. 100 % of all monetary donations from retail donors are directly utilized in programmes
  8. Administrative, legal and statutory compliance expenditures are incurred by the founder.
  9. 100% of all in-kind (Non-monetary) donations benefit the unprivileged recipients
  10. Annual Income-Tax Returns are filed online vide ITR-7
  11. Copies of annual reports along with audited statement of accounts are submitted to office of Charity Commissioner, Thane every year along with change reports as deem fit and proper.
  12. Periodical statistical reports on various interventions undertaken are submitted to all concerned government departments/partner organizations/donors/Police departments.
  13. Feedback on utilization of donations with untampered pictorial evidences are provided to every donor at the earliest.
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