Empanelment as External NGO Member in Internal Complaints Committee


It is often witnessed that workplaces do not follow the provisions of POSH Act, 2013 in letter and spirit and constitute internal complaints committee wrongly thereby terming them illegal in court of law, thereby reducing chances of fair justice and redressal to Sexual Harassment at workplace complaints of women.


Empanelment as External NGO Member in ICC
In compliance to Sec 4 (2) of “The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013”, a mandate for all establishments employing more than 10 employees in the corporate/commercial/education/healthcare and government sector. We are privileged to empanel our representatives as the External NGO Representative in the “Internal Committee” (IC) formed in accordance with the provisions of the aforesaid act free of any remuneration wherein the said corporate benefits from us through free drafting of policies, training to staff and IC members, awareness sessions about the Act and gender sensitization, hearing and disposal of cases in accordance with the provisions of the act therein and filing of annual report each calendar year to concerned authorities as mandated in the above said act.


The beneficiaries feel safe in their respective workplaces which aids poverty alleviation.

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