Birthdays and Events

Donate on Birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, events of you or your loved ones and bring smiles and happiness in the lives of unprivileged children and women in rural areas

Donate on Birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, events of you or your loved ones and bring smiles and happiness in the lives of unprivileged children and women in rural areas

Some of us just love all the attention around and some of us just feel if we can hide somewhere.

No matter how you feel about your big day you can use your birthday or events to change someone’s life for better. And you can do this by sponsoring an unprivileged child, Once you donate, we show you exactly how your sponsored child is being benefitted and you celebrate your birthday with your sponsored child.

In India there are 30 Million Unprivileged Children who have never celebrated their birthday many of them have never tasted a Birthday Cake or Goodies.

According to the latest report by National Crime Records Bureau, a total of 106,958 crimes were committed against children during the year 2016.

The major crimes committed were kidnapping and abduction (52.3%) and sexual offences (POCSO) (34.4%), including child rape.

14% of adolescent girls and 7% boys experienced violence and abuse.

The world is a dangerous place for a child alone. Do not let children face the world alone. Your small contribution can give them a secure environment and a loving home.

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