Remedial Learning


Children from migrant footloose dailywage families living in slum pockets of rural and hard-to-reach areas migrate with their families to said areas in search of livelihoods, often leading to gap years in education or never being enrolled in any school, they also lack necessary documents for enrollment in schools, coupled with unaffordability losing precious early and subsequent years of education.


Free Remedial learning equivalent to Class 8th syllabus.
Free Remedial education session for the said children who have either dropped out of the education system or have disturbed education and family background at tender age between 6 year to 14 years of age are imparted basic remedial education in English with the vision to empower them sustain themselves basically in this cruel world and learn basic English vocabulary so as to sufficiently mainstream them in regular formal education system preferably open schooling. The beneficiaries are accessed to free standard open remedial syllabus of English education, regular attendance, celebrations of events, festivals, sports day, annual day etc… along with free notebooks, school stationary, Umbrellas, Energy Drinks and other misc. It is to be noted that few of the children from this batch have been mainstreamed in local municipal schools.  We could not mainstream others in English Schools due to lack of funds. The said sessions are imparted from our Community Centre from 4.00 to 6.00 pm  Monday through Friday.


Students directly benefit through the sessions and learns basic reading, writing and arithmetic skills, if feasible, few are enrolled in basic formal schools in the village.

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